domingo, julho 30, 2006

“Lonely life ship”

Hard days I passed
When the motors stoped and the ship breaks off
When the cold watter comes in and iced my hearth

Where the hell have you all went to?!
Why do you left when I needed you the most?!
Does any of you knows what it feels like to be drowning in a see of pain?!
Do you know what it feels like to swim through icy watters without a hand to pull you out, even if it was just for a second so you can breath a little?!

Why some of my tripulation just left, while some of my trust ones keep breaking my boat a little more?!
I stayed alone in this dark, cold ocean....hardly breathing the bloody smell of it
I lived my own horror movie, and all of you are just like ghosts...cause you never appeared on it
I still searching for the happy ending of this movie...will I ever found it?!
Well...I don’t know yet...
All I know is that I’ve damn much

Just like an heart operation without anestesy
I’m hurt to death inside, but relax ppl
I’ll just use my smile to keep you all satisfied
I have my own vision, my own experience, and thats enough for me
2 Years is all I have to get out of here and change my life
After that..there will be a new beggining, but that experience will last forever

You show me that to kill a bug I may count on you
But to kill a legion I must walk alone
I must be hardly hurt, but I keep least my heart beats doesn’t it?!

As I used to say...
What doesn’t kills me, makes me stronger!!
If that’s really true...
I’m afraid I could become imortal...

Long are the roads that leads us to the hell entry...
But when you arrive, you should be the king of it!

You can try to stop me, but you must try to kill me first!

There’s nothing more to trust in or think about...I have nothing to say...but it feels like my mouth is open!


segunda-feira, julho 10, 2006

Foto: Trabalho de Arte

Aqui está uma foto que eu tirei para um trabalho de arte em que tinha que "montar" uma imagem formada através da leitura de um excerto do meu livro preferido. O livro é o "Tudo o que temos cá dentro" de Daniel Sampaio, o excerto vem a seguir à foto.

“Comprimidos engolidos à pressa, por que razão não chamei por ti, a certeza agora dos teus passos no corredor da minha casa, vens buscar-me e evitar que morra, levar-me outra vez ao Meco e a Almoçageme, oiço a tua voz a chamar, vejo já aquilo que nunca fui capaz de te dar, amor, a poesia que escreves e nunca li, quero que pegues em mim e sejas meu abrigo.
A escuridão em que me deixaste roubou-me a vida”
(Agradeço à cat por se ter aplicado quando pousou pra foto)
Aqui está a justificação dos pormenores da foto(apresentada no mesmo trabalho):
Este é, sem dúvida, o livro da minha vida, pelo menos até hoje! Baseado num caso clínico real, o livro aborda o tema de um rapaz que curtia com uma rapariga de vez em quando e que nunca ligou ás manifestações de amor obsessivo manifestadas por esta. Quando a rapariga se suicida por não o ter ele acaba por perceber que afinal também ele a amava e isso perturba-o imenso, daí ele recorrer a um psicólogo.
Quando foi feita a proposta de trabalho foi imediata a escolha deste livro. Não sabia qual a passagem que poderia adaptar mas sabia que tinha que ser deste livro para que realizasse o trabalho com alma e prazer. Desfolhei-o e achei que esta seria uma boa passagem para retratar, assim, com a ajuda de alguns colegas consegui que tudo estivesse como eu imaginara para tirar a foto. Os skittles foram usados para dar o efeito de comprimidos já que são de diversas cores e dão a ideia de uma alargada variedade de comprimidos que misturados levariam então à pretendida morte. A ideia de colocar lenços de papel amarrotados surgiu já na altura de capturar a foto, visto que supostamente a rapariga estava desgostosa de amor e embora consciente e determinada a cometer um acto que tanta coragem exige, o seu sofrimento deveria ser indescritível, pelo que teria estado certamente a chorar. A posição da rapariga na cama deve-se ao facto de esta estar a escrever a carta de despedida e, assim sendo, ter que estar numa posição que lho permitisse faze-lo. O ar da rapariga na foto é um ar de alguém que está já completamente drogado de comprimidos e que tenta em dificuldades terminar a carta antes de “apagar”. Os comprimidos espalhados pela cama e em cima do papel demonstram o facto de terem sido tomados à pressa, deixando que alguns caíssem e rolassem pela cama, sendo que a mão esquerda da ideia de querer ainda pegar em mais alguns para apressar a morte. A luz que entra pela janela iluminando toda a envolvência do quarto encaro-a como a luz da vida, sendo que apenas incide nas costas da rapariga, pois ela não a vê mais, na sua frente existe escuridão…”a escuridão em que me deixaste tirou-me a vida”!
By SceptrusNecro

segunda-feira, julho 03, 2006

Miklos Feher, 1979-2004.

Nunca te esqueceremos campeão!!!

sábado, maio 06, 2006

"Hopes & Mutations"

Whispering faster than a huricane
Screaming louder than the worst storm ever
How do you want me not to go insane?!
I’m screaming in silence, I’m crying inside
I’m sad, I’m worried, I’m scaried, I’m full of all that presure
SHUT UP you stupid voices!
None of you knows what to say, so why do you keep talking?!
Act, that’s what you all gotta do
But its easier to’s easier to send anyone else into the fire
Leave me alone...I just want a little piece of peace, is that too much?!
Why does nothing goes right? Everything is so mistaken!
Get down your 2 fingers rasta
There’s no peace or love for me
My heart is lost somewhere in my mind...
My stomach is now made of iron, with all those things I need to digest
Why?! Why is it all happening?! What will it bring to me?! the dark is all I see
My eyes are my friends, and I have a really nice vision
But inside they are not allowed...and so I walk alone with myself
But someone have entered this “only-mine world”
The most important of the shadows that live here...
Thank you Shadow, you made me stronger
But its hard to deal with all that shit...its hard to breathe..hard to think...hard to live...
Give me strenght, something that really pulls me up...
Someone, something, some luck, some...I don’t know
But give me an anchor
So I can stop my incontrolable boat
The storm is the strongest ever, the ocean is made of blood
The smell of millions of corpses is now unbreathable
Got no strenght, got no hope, almost got no boat...
Just don’t let me drown when I’m sure I know how to swim...
That’s just too bad to die on the beach...
Maybe another boat can came from the fog and rescue me...
There’s no bottles for S.O.S messages...
I’ll wait...wait and try not to fall asleep, cause it will be the end!

When the flowers grow, the blood falls and the witch dies all the forest torns appart...


sábado, abril 01, 2006


I'm tired...tired of the way life is
I'm tired...tired for fighting without rest and have no results
I'm tired...tired of all
I don't wanna live but I don't wanna die too I just don't wanna exist anymore
Everytime I try to put my face a little up
Everytime I think one battle its over I see that it don't even started
I'm sick...sick of the way I'm tired
I'm sick...I can't sleep anymore
I'm smiles are fake for so many times
Why does everything goes wrong with me?
Why does as the time goes by I'm getting worst?
I'm weak...Can't even deny it anymore
I'm weak...Can't even stop thinking anymore
I'm weak...Why can't I taste the sweetness of opening the right door?
I can hardly breath, and even it brings me pain
I wanna look back and see something was not in vain
I cry...I cry in silence where the light don't go
I cry...I bleed inside day and night
I cry...No one can help me, not even I
I've tried everything but nothing stops it for much long
Don't know what to do, don't know who am I
And because of it all I just scream when I cry
I scream...scream inside till I got no voice
I scream...scream like I'm gonna die and I have no choice
I scream...scream cause I can't take this pain anymore
I quit..Game Over...can anyone give me a coin?!
I'm full...full of playing the sick game of life
I'm full...full but I don't wanna quit cause I feel I gotta win it
I'm full...full like I'm drowning on a childs pool
My lungs are burning with so many watter
My feets are heavy like the heaviest stone
I don't wanna be together, I don't wanna be alone
Who am I?
Where is my life?
Why don't anyone left me an advise?
Looks like I heard some voices telling me to find a light
But I start thinking there's no light there
Feels like I'm buried alive
Don't even recognize that voices
Why are they screaming so loud?!
What happened?!
They used to whisper some good words to me
Why do they shutted?!
Why is so cold there?
Am I death already?!
Why am I questioning if no one can answer me?
Why am I here...
Why am I trying...
Why am I...I !?
Damn it...:\


domingo, março 26, 2006

"Curta Metragem"

Touch my heart
Rape my soul
Take my eyes
Blind my mind

There is no life without sun
Darkness fall and pain begun
Seeds never grown without water
And my life stopped since I first saw you

I’ve tried to rewind
But it was too late
I try to erase
But there’s no debate
I found that I love you
And that’s what I hate…in me.


sábado, março 25, 2006

“Prision of Mine”

Drink my blood
Breathe my air
Consume my meat
And complete your puzzle

That way you’re killing me
The way you kidnapped my soul
And you leave all the rest behind
My mind is now a jail
And you’re the gaoler of mine

Free me
My heart is an iceberg on fire
You’re my motive of desire
And only you can let it be

Insanity takes control
I’m damned by your enchantment
There’s no witch to save my soul
And no bitch can make it different

Come back and take all you left behind
I can give you all that you can’t find
Just rescue me from this dark hole
Accept my heart and console…my pain

My soul was condemned by you
And it’s now locked in the prison of forever land…


sexta-feira, março 24, 2006


Apresento-me dizendo que tudo o que aqui pretendo postar são acima de tudo "expressões da alma" nas suas diversas variantes. Como tal admito que algumas possam ser de dificil compreensão para quem lê, visto que algumas vezes a complexidade desses mesmos estados de alma dificulta uma deciferação facilitada da mensagem. Enfim...deitei-me à experiência de ter um blog...espero que gostem!